Waiting lists
Our focus is to be in a position to offer a place in Scouting at the earliest opportunity. But all sections are in high demand.
Core Age Range | 6 – 8 years | 8 years – 10 years 6 months | 10 years 6 months – 14 years |
Flexibility Age Range | 5 years 9 months – 8 years 6 months | 7 years 6 months – 11 years | 10 – 14 years 6 months |
Waiting list | **waiting list closed** | **waiting list closed** | **waiting list closed** |
When places become available within each section, young people will be selected from the “Waiting List”. The priority criteria will be as follows:-
- Priority must be given to any existing member of the Scout Association moving into the area. They will not normally wait until the new term.
- Children of existing or new Uniformed Leaders within the Group are also prioritised. These will be individually discussed with the Group Scout Leader.
- From the waiting list for the appropriate section, in order of time on the list.
- From the waiting list for the appropriate section within the Core Age Range, in order of time on the list.
What will the 1st Eglin do when contacting a potential recruit?
- Contact the parents of the listed child and ask whether they still need the place, giving a specific time limit for a response.
- (Assuming they do respond positively), provide details of the proposed start date, section meeting times.
- Answer any initial questions the parents may have
- Confirm the starter identity, addresses, date of birth and any special needs to the section leader.
Moving up
Beavers to Cubs. Beavers will move up to cubs at the end of term following their 8th birthday, this ensures that their badge work for the term is completed. Subject to availability of places priority is given to existing colony members. In the event of insufficient places the Beaver’s name will be placed on the “Waiting List” at the top of the appropriate age range. If there are surplus places then the Cub Leader(s) must be aware of the number of Beavers who will be moving up in the next six months before offering a place to a young person on the “Waiting List”. The above priority criteria will be applied.
Cubs to Scouts. Young people will join Scouts at the beginning of each term, after they are 10 yrs. Cubs will move up to Scouts at the earliest time, being no older than 11 , This ensures that their badge work for the term is complete. Subject to availability of places priority is given to existing pack members. In the event of insufficient places the Cubs name will be placed on the “Waiting List” at the top of the appropriate age range. If there are surplus places then the Scout Leader(s) must be aware of the number of Cubs who will be moving up in the next six months before offering a place to a child on the “Waiting List”. When selecting from the “Waiting List”, the above priority criteria will be applied.