
Mandatory training
  • Safeguarding training can still be completed via elearning  – all to do
  • Safety training can also be completed by elearning. – all to do
  • GDPR Training can be completed by elearning. – all to do

Getting started

  • Module 1 Essential information can be completed on line elearning. – all to do
  • Module 2 to be completed with Paul
  • Trustee introduction can be completed on line elearning. – only executive committee
  • Module 3 Tools for the role (section leaders) and assistants can be completed on line elearning. – all to do
  • Module 3 Tools for the role (manager and supporters) can be completed on line elearning.only executive and GSL

    Please send the certificate to Paul and myself and we will validate it.

All the training modules are available here Modules | Scouts

And details of the modules you require for all roles is appointments-table-2-040221.pdf (