New Appointments Process

Go through induction pack withGet the pack and all documentsGSLweek 1-4
prospective applicantensure full chat with new leader  
Ensure new applicant is awareso they are comfortable and 
of role and support as in packunderstand role/commitments including  
Complete PVG & AA form andFill in all forms with required GSL/APPLICANTweek 1-4
submit to Appointments Secdocuments,from pack 
Commence mandatory online Show how to access andGSLweek 1-8
trainingwhat training is beneficial 
 before appointments chat via  
 scoutbase uk 
 Training for adults ( 
Complete appointments processAll allocations sent andAPPOINTMENTS SECweek 1-4
 chase up references. Depends on the 
 paperwork being sent by GSL 
PVG ReturnedPositive assessmentappointments Secweek 8-12
Undertaken interviewDocuments and info passedChair / Appointmentsweek 8-12
 to appointments team for 
change status on compassupdate to pre-provisionalAPPOINT SECweek 8-12
Training Manager
Meet TA for training meetingComplete mod 2 and trainingGSL/TAweek 8-12
complete getting started onlineOnline training for gettingGSLweek 4-28
 started module 
Full membership createdUpdate on compass to full roleApps Sec / DCweek 28 or before
 when all mandatory training completed