New Starters

Taster Sessions

So that the young person and yourself can get to meet other members and find out more about our scout group we invite the young person to come along for 4 taster sessions, for which there is a small fee to pay.  After that time we ask that you make a decision to commit to joining our group by purchasing a uniform for the young person and paying the balance of their termly subscription fees.

For information we will offer places for our next intake of new members once we are able to resume weekly scouting meetings.
New members will be given the opportunity to start the week commencing – Date TBA.

Subscription Fees

Before you come along for your first visit we ask that you pay £10.00 towards your child’s termly subscription fees and if you decide you are staying with the group, after your 4 taster sessions, this amount will be deducted from the balance due for that terms subscription fees.


Whilst the young person is taking part in their taster sessions we suggest that they come along to the weekly meetings in comfortable clothing suitable for both indoor and outdoor activities.  When they are ready to be invested details of where you can purchase uniform can be found on the noticeboard at the Scout Hall, inside your welcome booklet and on our Uniform page


Once the young person has completed the 4 taster sessions, paid the balance of the termly subscription fees and purchased a uniform we will arrange for the young person to be invested.  Family members are very welcome to come along to watch the investiture ceremony.  At the short investiture ceremony we will provide the young person with a Group neckerchief, a woggle and the relevant badges for their uniform.  Please look after these items carefully, as any lost items will need to be replaced at a small cost to yourself.  Can we also remind you that if you wish to take any photos at investiture that you must first make sure that you ask the section leaders if you can take photos and can we please ask that you respect other members privacy by not taking photos of any other members in the group or include them in any photos that you are taking of your son / daughter.