Green tokens!

Dear parents and guardians
The Scout Group have been nominated to be part of the Asda Foundation brand new Green Token Giving vote online through your local Asda store Elgin. It is a chance for the group to gain £500 in funding. The vote will be live from 0.01am on Tuesday 1st June and voting will close, midnight on Saturday 31st July.

You can vote for us by visiting Green Tokens – Vote | Asda . will be able to vote once every 7 days, so please return and revote in the following weeks. Let the voting begin and please vote more than once – it’s a great way to help fund our activities!
1st Elgin Group Scout Leader

May be an image of text that says "ASDA foundation Green Token Giving ASDA Please vote for us! ASD ASDA 1st Place= £500 ASDA 2nd & 3rd Place £200 each ASD Visit for more info ASDA CรV ASDA ASDA ASDA POSY VASV ASDA VASV #AsdaFoundation #GreenTokenGiving Terms and conditions apply. ASDA"