The Beavers (6-8yr olds) list is presently closed  TFN
Cubs (8-10 1/2 yr olds)list is presently closed  TFN
Scouts (10 1/2 to 14 yr olds) list is presently closed  TFN

Scouting is already one of the greatest movements the world has ever known. Scouts  have walked on the moon, rowed across oceans, scaled the highest mountains. They  have been prime ministers and Oscar winners, authors and inventors, World Cup heroes and scientists.

 In Scouting, young people get the opportunity to discover their potential, benefit from a positive, supportive environment and make a difference. Scouting offers life changing adventure to over 446,000 girls and boys made possible through the efforts of the 105,000 volunteers who also enjoy the fun and friendship of Scouting